
Opera Mini 雖勇奪各國 App Store 第一 可恨評論麻麻



雖然Opera Mini 一出,風頭一時無兩,奪下多國免費Apps第一。但從用戶反饋評語可看出它言過其實,對美國外站速度並不如廣告中的六倍神速,有些別國本土網站甚至比Safari更慢。



oops... missed the mark!  (US)
by sand0s

opera may be popular on other platforms, but sorry guys, you failed here. this browser was slower than safari, totally lacked the intuitiveness of safari and was horribly clunky. it's pretty clear that this thing got approved after apple got into the guts of this thing and realized that it offered nothing close to competition. doesn't come close to "replacing core functionality." it's too awful for that.

Really Disapointing (Canada)
by G1ENN

I was really looking forward to using this browser... Unfortunately, I find it unusable. The browser dosen't feel as native as Safari, the pages don't seem to render properly, and pinch to zoom isn't supported. Hopefully, this browser gets fixed.

Nice try (UK)
by mac_ivan

Nice try, but it wont be replacing Safari any time soon.
Unfortunately many websites are not rendered properly. Layout is broken, some elements are too wide or too narrow. Definitely needs some work.

無想像中咁好 (HK)
by killerhide
