
[FREE]Virtual Dimension 虛擬桌面

Welcome to Virtual Dimension: a free, fast, and feature-full virtual desktop manager for Windows platform. The main goal of this open-source project is indeed to enhance the Microsoft "Window Manager" up to the level of usual Unix Window Manager, by providing virtual desktops, as well as some additional features, like always on top, window shading...
Virtual Dimension是一套虛擬桌面軟體,如果你常要開啟一堆應用程式,覺得工作列雜亂無章,也許可以考慮一下,你可以將應用程式分類,分別在不同的虛擬桌面執行。且Virtual Dimension支援熱鍵切換以及每個虛擬桌面使用不同的桌布,試用了一陣子,覺得很棒,而且不大佔資源